Optimizes the integration of portlets, which comply with the standards JSR (Java specification request) 168 or JSR 286 portal solution with a new interface to Ludwigshafen IT companies, a new interface widget API (UWA) in the Fasihi Enterprise now enables the comfortable integration of widgets and gadgets of the open standards universal portal (FEP), the innovative portal technology of the Ludwigshafen-based IT company Fasihi GmbH. widgets are small applications, created with the help of Web technologies such as HTML, JavScript, and XML. You can put together some content from different sources, graphically display information and automatically update them. The flexibility of widgets lets you the user interact with the application, to retrieve more targeted information to. The possible range of application possibilities is large and ranges from the RSS feed, current news about tools like currency converter, calendar, ticket booking, and weather radar to live TV and chat content. Finds on the Internet is a wealth of different platforms for such widgets.

There is no technical difference between widgets and gadgets. Since 2005, small applications that run on a desktop of a user, are called widgets. The concept of gadgets has established itself since 2007 with the deployment of small applications on the Windows Sidebar. The widget standards serve to promote a cross-platform development and use of widgets. The integration of widgets or gadgets in the Fasihi Enterprise Portal is very easy. The user has the ability to embed a widget as a configurable or not configurable.

All of the widgets that belong to a standard are configurable. The desired widget is embedded on the indication of the standards and the appropriate resource with only two parameters. The calculation of the size and the display and processing of widgets to happen automatically. The integration of Web-based widgets via a simple HTML reference. A special widget Editor allows the personalization of widgets. With the widget Editor, whose Language automatically on the user logged on each to the FEP is, can users customize their widgets to each widget can be displayed corresponding information such as description, version of the widgets and information