The restriction of resources of knowledge, the lack of ummercado internal of great transport generates the dependence to the markets external what um impedes to the development of a nation. To the availability economic deinfra-structure as energy, transport and communication, as well as aexistncia of polar regions of territorially bemdistribudos growth and development and the existence of potential of endogenous development or localem all the regions are basic elements for the promotion regional dodesenvolvimento. The internal and external factors esocial economic development of one country, state or region need to be identified and to be stimulated. On the basis of the boarded characteristics of the bahian economy in this article, can-seatribuir the absence of an industrial structure with raised competitiveness, me – the distribution of the industrial polar regions in the state and other factors comoinibidores of the development. Moreover, to observe a low potential endogenous dedesenvolvimento. In addition, if it makes necessary a civilorganizada society and operating, as well as the performance of labor unions the interests of the majority of the population eutornem possible. CONCLUSION the Bahia is the sixth richer state of Brazil, being atrsapenas of the State of So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande Do Sul eParan.
However it has a frightful social inaquality, adding the lack depolticas public come back toward its overcoming. The extreme poverty of the Bahia fazcom that it is the 5mais needy in ranking of the federative units doBrasil. The governmental politics of development implementadasno they had been capable to foment the deconhecimentos human resources, and generating resources. Being imported such resources, of the regions more desenvolvidasdo country to supply the necessities of qualified man power for the PloPetroqumicode Camaari in the decade of 70 and for implementation of the automotivada industry Ford. Moreover the physical resources had not been well aproveitadoseconomicamente.
The Bahia also not to possess capital for investment the expansoeconmica in the second half of century XX if processed thanks to the investimentosoriundos of other parts of Brazil and the exterior. Important efforts to disconcentrate and to diversify odesenvolvimento must serobjeto of polticasprioritrias, through programasdestinados to create ways and conditions for reduction them inaqualities regionaisda Bahia. One becomes necessary to establish politics of attraction of investimentosque they create new dosinvestimentos economic spaces and they promote the desconcentrao. The state must be present to guarantee infra-estruturaeconmica and social that the mercadono can offer and that it is basic for ainduo of private projects, beyond carrying through investments in education to efacilitar financings of long stated period. REFERENCES a proposal for the State of the Bahia. Article Technician 01/99, Nov. 1999. Available Promotion a proposal for the State of the Bahia.pdf.Acesso in (15 of sea de2009.