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The world and Technology

'Suspended' floors can also be realized by means of reinforced concrete beams, based on the supporting wall. Credit: Florida International University-2011. In between the beams stacked blocks. Over blocks and beams running screed with a minimum thickness of 75 mm. On screed is laid membrane and extruded polystyrene foam (eg, Primaplex). Then, through the cushioning layer laid finish flooring. There are several ways to accommodate insulation: under the floor over the entire area, along the edges of plate horizontally along the edges of plates vertically from the inside.

Choosing insulation Key criteria when selecting insulation for the floors along the ground: the thermal conductivity. Must take into account long-term indicators, which is expected to have insulation at the end of life of the building (approximately 25 years) water absorption. This indicator should be as low as possible, for example, less than 0,5% by volume during the entire period of service; strength at 10 percent strain, water vapor permeability. This indicator is required for the risk of condensation installation simplicity and environmental friendliness: easy, clean material that is easily cut to the desired size, is not dangerous for health workers. The best indicators listed above, has a thermal insulation made from extruded polystyrene, in particular, plates Primaplex. The table shows the main characteristics of plates Primaplex. Primaplex light standard Primaplex 35 45 standard standard Primaplex compressive strength at 10 percent deformation, kPa, not less than 150,250,400 Nominal density, kg/m3 30 35 45 Thermal conductivity W / m C 0.028 0.029 0.030 Water absorption, 30 days,%, max 0,4 0,4 0,4 Scope Standard load capacities – Housing Average load capacities – Offices High load capacities – industrial facilities, warehouses Floor heating insulation is especially important on the ground floor when we are dealing with heated floors.

Something to consider is that there is a statistic that says 50% of businesses close in the first three years. 40% close within the next five years. And Only 10% succeed. Although it is a simple statistic, I do not think that is very far from reality. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Austin Apartments by clicking through. The new revolution in business E-Commerce As I always do, let us define as wikipedia: E-commerce (the anglicized Electronic Commerce) is to buy and sell products or services over electronic systems such and other computer networks. Visit Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for more clarity on the issue.

The exchange conducted electronically has grown dramatically since the classification of the Internet. It’s definitely a real business that moves goods and services directly to end public, global, and where every day, every minute, add hundreds of thousands of people. On one side are those who bring new offers and proposals and the other those who seek and apply new products and services. With a constant evolution and growth, continuous and endless in terms of products and demands of them. Some major differences between traditional business and traditional business E-Commerce is a need for capital is necessary clearances, permits and registrations. Fixed costs can not avada’re tied to a schedule of care costs generally permanent employees need remodeling and renovation of stock in many cases it is necessary sell to credit (increased risk).

You hardly get clients to teach you to open branches spread out (investment money) do not have the free time E-Commerce No accounts receivable accounts payable No No rentals With little inventory No employees No fixed costs With local minimum investment for all types of people also be done from your home can sell all over the world Well, it’s just a small sample, but you can clearly see the main differences between them. Sometimes a mere fact that a simple information is sufficient to trigger our response and that’s enough to make a decision.

The technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, we want people to live with it, is in our lives, a constant presence renewed and surprising, which gives us opportunities and new things all the time. It is responsible for that man has obtained a better quality of life. The technology imposes its presence and assigns new patterns, new rules and new trends. One of these new trends is clearly the Trade Electronic (E-Commerce) is the global revolution in the business world: With internet broke down barriers, jumped the walls and magnifies the open and direct communication worldwide, and this formidable power of this new media gives us way of doing business emerged from new technologies.

Finally, technology is here, at your disposal. These new possibilities are within your reach, but yet are so close and so biased that you have in your own hands on the keyboard that is now before you. Just spend a little more time and find what you’re looking for. Good luck!

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

The restriction of resources of knowledge, the lack of ummercado internal of great transport generates the dependence to the markets external what um impedes to the development of a nation. To the availability economic deinfra-structure as energy, transport and communication, as well as aexistncia of polar regions of territorially bemdistribudos growth and development and the existence of potential of endogenous development or localem all the regions are basic elements for the promotion regional dodesenvolvimento. The internal and external factors esocial economic development of one country, state or region need to be identified and to be stimulated. On the basis of the boarded characteristics of the bahian economy in this article, can-seatribuir the absence of an industrial structure with raised competitiveness, me – the distribution of the industrial polar regions in the state and other factors comoinibidores of the development. Moreover, to observe a low potential endogenous dedesenvolvimento. In addition, if it makes necessary a civilorganizada society and operating, as well as the performance of labor unions the interests of the majority of the population eutornem possible. CONCLUSION the Bahia is the sixth richer state of Brazil, being atrsapenas of the State of So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande Do Sul eParan.

However it has a frightful social inaquality, adding the lack depolticas public come back toward its overcoming. The extreme poverty of the Bahia fazcom that it is the 5mais needy in ranking of the federative units doBrasil. The governmental politics of development implementadasno they had been capable to foment the deconhecimentos human resources, and generating resources. Being imported such resources, of the regions more desenvolvidasdo country to supply the necessities of qualified man power for the PloPetroqumicode Camaari in the decade of 70 and for implementation of the automotivada industry Ford. Moreover the physical resources had not been well aproveitadoseconomicamente.

The Bahia also not to possess capital for investment the expansoeconmica in the second half of century XX if processed thanks to the investimentosoriundos of other parts of Brazil and the exterior. Important efforts to disconcentrate and to diversify odesenvolvimento must serobjeto of polticasprioritrias, through programasdestinados to create ways and conditions for reduction them inaqualities regionaisda Bahia. One becomes necessary to establish politics of attraction of investimentosque they create new dosinvestimentos economic spaces and they promote the desconcentrao. The state must be present to guarantee infra-estruturaeconmica and social that the mercadono can offer and that it is basic for ainduo of private projects, beyond carrying through investments in education to efacilitar financings of long stated period. REFERENCES a proposal for the State of the Bahia. Article Technician 01/99, Nov. 1999. Available Promotion a proposal for the State of the Bahia.pdf.Acesso in (15 of sea de2009.

But what everything this has in having with Certification in the Cattle one of Cut? So that if it can initiate a process of Certification exists a ritualstica to be obeyed. To understand what they are Normas Techniques. Which the Norms Techniques that must be applied. It notices that we cite ' ' devem' '. In if treating to this metier, if it cannot make imposing or obligator use of this or that procedure. It fits the parts to analyze what it is acceptable inside of a programming, as well as will have to search a consensus standard of procedures. Or we better go to explain.

When one is about animal production, this subjects to the Obligator Sanitary Norms and there then the term will have, passes to be understood as obligator. Reason for which the Sanitary Norms are of only total responsibility of the sanitary authorities in confectioning them and making its due applications and fiscalizations. Then we are ahead of two distinct situations. The first one that it says on Norms Techniques here and appears a new component: Norms Techniques Brazilians and the Sanitary Norms. These in turn are of ability as we cite of the sanitary authorities. Already the NBR? s, covers a different way and highly democratic and tecnificado. I go to cite the definition of Norm Technique, under the optics of the ABNT: ' ' Norm is the document technician who establish the rules and minimum characteristics that determined product, service or process must fulfill., allowing to a perfect ordinance and the globalization of these activities or products.

The Norms are vital factors so that the national technological evolution folloies the process of world-wide globalization successfully. With the norms, she is possible to work with a technological standard, therefore they allow that she has consensus between producers, government and consumers. This facilitates the commercial interchange and not only increases the productivity and the sales in the domestic market as well as in the external market, therefore they are eliminated the barriers techniques created for the existence of conflicting regulations on products services in different countries.

The company responds to competitive pressure, but it is a force defensively, and customers notice it. More recently, thanks to the central concept of VVC (customer lifetime value), complaints will be perceived as an effective means of profitability. The VVC (customer lifetime value) represents all future cash flows of the client brought to net present value (NPV) and this creates a revolution in the metric with which firms are evaluated, especially by the fact that on either side of the traditional accounting appears this figure. The VVC should change not only the traditional indicators and metrics, but how to compensate executives and staff. If VVC pay compensation on the company's approach would not only be to bring new customers, but to retain and grow over time. Returning to the complaints, one possible way of classifying them is by the type of contacts: Contacts are stupid and smart contacts. A contact is a complaint that silly should not exist but that occurs repeatedly and not only that, but it is statistically verifiable (as long as the company takes the record.) The company does not learn and month by month, day by day, is in charge just to process it, over and over again, focusing on improving the rate of attention from something that should not be.

Is to improve the productivity of customer service can cause myopia. As the complaint is given by established, the focus is on managing the process more efficient way of handling and tactical resolution of complaints. This instead of asking why there is the complaint and make a re-engineering of contact points failed to stop them from occurring. Indicators of a call center with call abandonment parameters, average time per call, number of calls answered by operator, including when it should be measured the number of contacts fools and gradually eliminate them. And there are also cases of companies that centralize their receipt of complaints and not record them. The problem is that there is no statistical record, there is no statistical diagnosis, undiagnosed no effective allocation of resources. Being trapped by fools contacts inevitably resources are wasted. The best service has to be one that does not have to be given or administered to follow but one that is designed a priori.

The real good service is preventive and hits straight to the competition is not correct or defensive. In the absence of relevant metrics around customers and / or lack of importance they give managers in the organization, it falls into the saying that "out of sight, out of mind" and customers are being treated with abstract patterns of good intentions but without practical consequence. The heart of the directors may not feel the discomfort of their customers, but customers certainly. The company has to monitor the cost of customers who leave, for example: "x" dropout rate of clients the company lost "x" million dollars in profits per year. Should have a status of customer retention and development accompanying the profit and loss statement, the balance sheet, cash flow and state of origin and use of resources. An updated inventory of customers can detect early upset customers who simply choose to leave the business and leave the competition. Without the inventory the company may not initially notice the desertion, but eventually you hit like a tsunami in the face. A customer who complains makes a gift to the enterprise; nothing better for the company is connected and current with your market.

Once you have defined your niche, the next step is selecting a product or service to sell. In deciding what to sell on the Internet, you can choose any of the following two options: Create and sell a product or service itself. Sell products and services of others. Personally I think that option number one, gives the best opportunity for small businesses to succeed on the internet, the only downside is that you must invest time to create our own products and quality. Then explain the two options: Option No.

1: Create and sell a product or service itself. a site is the path that it chooses the most most successful internet entrepreneurs. Definitely this is the best strategy, create and sell products or services themselves to take full control over your business and most importantly keep 100% of the profits. If you select option information products and services via the internet, you only need a personal computer to create and market their products and services (Ebooks, software, teleseminars, video seminars, consulting services, design services, advertising, etc.) If you have information to share, or has the ability to investigate, gather and organize information on a topic of your niche , you can earn good money using this model. For decades, millions of people have been making money selling information products and related services, and it is a fact that will continue forever. People buy these products and services, because it helps them save time and money by learning on their own on a topic of interest. .

Analysis of the information system of the bank and its service it services for more efficient use of outsourcing, commissioned a consulting company profile – this will also be outsourced. how to choose A company-outsourcer After forming process list of candidate should pay attention to these factors: the term of the company at the relevant service market; the number of dedicated specialists, their professional skills, certificates, diplomas; the reaction rate at Service incident – time, claimed the company to deliver a specialist on the application point of service; Continuity of service – the minimum amount specified by the mandatory visits to a specialist, the cost of additional visits, the presence of a service company opportunities to mobilize additional staff in the case of complex issues; organizational harmony itself a service company – that it has a single point for applications (Help Desk / Service Desk), possible control of the application, feedback from the service company when problems arise; the requested service company cost of their services. When concluding a contract for services with company-outsourcer selected based on the results of such a competitive selection process, it is necessary to control the inclusion in the text of the agreement referred to a number of key provisions. It points that determine the interaction of the company and service company, and items to ensure quality and continuity of service. Control gains service Thus, the service processes that are passed on outsourcing, defined. Selected company-outsourcer, providing services.

What is a professional website and how can you design one? If you want your web visitors feel comfortable and attracted to the design of your page, this paper found a number of tips on how to achieve that goal. yEs make it difficult to design your website? It really is not difficult, but what is more complicated is that the design is attractive to most visitors, and you can never achieve 100% satisfaction. You may be wondering what are the tips for good design, and No? There are some principles that have already been shown to yield results and, as in any business on line, what works for someone, you probably work for you as it is the visitor who teaches these principles. n the matter. The elegance in the design done in a professional, clean place, nice background color and clarity to read the contents, with lyrics that contrast with the design to be well read, are some of the things that must be taken into account when designing your site. Quickly, you can see how the profits from changing its image are very pronounced, resulting in a much larger number of visits which had so far, and those same views, will be more time browsing the different sections of your website. In real life, a company can show its “elegance” with the person you contact (the representative, his adviser, business, or even trade-dependent in their neighborhood), making the deal is friendly, clothing is the most appropriate way possible, and so on. in order to get the sale of your product or service. On the contrary, in his presence on line, all this can not convince the customer that visits your site, and how to show the elegance of your business, you have a modern web, and with a professional web design.

If you think about it, companies with the highest number of hits on its website such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, You-tube … all have in common the simplicity and functionality of their sites by adding each day more interactivity with your visitors, demonstrating the concept of web 2.0. Imagine for a when your business is like one of those “Mega-companies” on line, and make different designs to assess which one could attract more visitors, making it an enjoyable stay on your website. Teach those designs to their peers and ask for their opinion, THEY COULD BE YOUR CUSTOMER ON-LINE! If instead the solution to your business is not feasible with these tips, do not worry, there are professionals who do this kind of designs and guide them in their “home” as an online business, offering marketing tips and sales strategies ANYONE loses to trade over the network. Reverse (if it is an investment that will pay off) your money in elegance and professionalism of its web image. Do not wait until tomorrow, sure that at this time we are visiting their old image, not the image of sleek and attractive web 2.0. Summary: 1 – Be simple 2 – Ask opinions and accept criticism 3 – Act now More information:.

Internet is today the most widely used tool for searching and obtaining information in all areas, on all topics, from anywhere in the world and quickly. It is highly unlikely that any information or data not find on the Internet, but do not think any form holds the updated register of all pages that are on the network, so it is advisable to visit more than one search engine when you need to make a deep search and very specific. A search is computer system or search engine that stores files. It is basically a website with a powerful database (of existing sites) that allows specific searches in the content of these sites posted on the Internet, and gives a result of that search based on terms entered in the search for user. It is recommended that when a new site, a new page is created and then uploaded to the network, the same, be discharged from the search engines. Searching for information is a process simple where the user enters a query by placing a particular word or phrase, the search function is to check on their lists of pages indexed and to discover how many pages, is the subject of the request or are related to him, and immediately show all matches or combinations that you find on the subject.

The contents of the websites are indexed by search engines, but not by individuals, (ie the difference) but using programs (software) called robots or spiders (spiders) search, which are the sites that cover reading your content and removing the links in this. Each form has its way of presenting information, but their effectiveness is given basically in the amount of data and the technique they use to organize the best way to display the information and requested search. When a search is required dispatches a request to several search engines simultaneously and delivers the answer with the data or addresses obtained from all very orderly filing information and much more complete the user. They have a substantial advantage because they enlarge the search field and give us as much results. Metasearch engines can find videos, music lyrics, movies, educational, scientific, real estate, in order to all subjects. .