The results of progress in the face. Besides the fact that the Internet can find all the necessary background information and dictionaries, today there are programs that facilitate the work of the translator. And the forums are translators actively discussed the topic of computer-aided translation. Trados (SDL Trados) is currently the most advanced computer-aided translation technology based on the Translation Memory. However, it has its drawbacks: to understand himself how to work with her, hard, and also a licensed version costs about $ 2,400. Obvious advantages of the program – it is possible to carry out big projects, translation, search and unification of terminology, ability to work with a large number of different file formats, encoding, working as a team, even through Inet, exchange database transfers and so on. This program is mainly used large translation bureau in Ukraine and abroad.
For freelance translators there are alternative programs that are much cheaper, they are easier to use and use them to actually carry out projects of medium size. One such program is metateksis (Metatexis) – program translation of CAT (Computer Aided Translation). Vstravivaetsya program in Microsoft Word and allows you to create your base of parallel translations. Metateksis supports all formats of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), import and export base in the popular Translation Format TMX, TM TRADOS, TM Wordfast and others. Download free trial version is available on the website. Another program for home use by a professional translator is Wordfast, which uses a transparent, open format for all its data and at the same time maintains compatibility with Trados and most software automated translation.
You can transfer files to Ms-Word , Ms-Excel , Ms-PowerPoint . There are ample opportunities to work with the terminology. Until 2002, this program was free, to date, it has a free trial version that can work with translation memories, of approximately 110 KB or 500 units of translation (TU). In other words, Wordfast can be used free of charge to small and medium-sized projects and retain all of its functionality. Website If you need to make a professional translation – please contact our agency.