5.38 MW for the Logistics Center by toys ‘R’ US in Flanders, N.J. Baltimore, May 11, 2011 Constellation Energy (NYSE: CEG) today announced that it has a 5,38MW large solar for the 1.2 million m large logistics center by toys “R” US in Flanders, N.J., United States plant. Constellation Energy is as owners build this plant and keep in position, Toys R’ US invested within the framework of a power purchase agreement with a term of 20 years in the plant, which will be in summer 2011 on the network. After completion, the toys is R”US solar plant that largest on-roof system given by a customer in the United States be. The plant is from 37.389 UNI-SOLAR laminates of United Solar company; United Solar, is a globally active manufacturer of lightweight, flexible thin-film solar modules and a wholly owned subsidiary of energy conversion devices (NASDAQ: ENER). The system is designed for the production of approx. 6.4 MW of electricity per year and to the annual energy costs of toys R”significantly reduce US.

Producing the same amount would electricity from non-renewable resources, according to the U.S. EPA authority, mean CO2 emissions of 4,569 tons or the corresponding exhaust 874 passenger cars per year. “To US build constellation energy is glad this facility for Toys R’ and support the use of the company for sustainable energy options, said Michael D. Smith, Senior Vice President of the green initiative” for Constellation Energy’s trading division. This system is a great example of how Constellation Energy works together with our existing customers, to provide additional, valuable products and services. The combination of solar energy with other environmentally friendly energy options, such as Energiesparmassnamen and certificates for renewable energy, Constellation Energy’s customers can eco-friendly fashion their energy consumption and reduce costs.”UNI-SOLAR ” laminates are all over the world ” “” easy strongest solar products and fit perfectly on the roof of a Toys R ‘ US “says John Williams, Vice President strategic accounts, United Solar.